Ministry of Information unblocked IP address

After numerous appeals to the governmental institutions responsible for the blocking, the IP address was finally unblocked on 13th July 2018.

Ministry of Information unblocked IP address
Legalize Belarus
16 July 2018
Press Service

On 17th of May the Ministry of Information blocked the website of Legalize Belarus civic education and advocacy campaign In the official notification “propaganda of marijuana use” was mentioned as a reason.

We decided to move the website no another domain,, to keep it accessible for people in Belarus. However, it appeared to be blocked as well. It turned out that all websites hosted on FastComet server ( were blocked at once.

After numerous appeals to the governmental institutions responsible for the blocking, the IP address was finally unblocked on 13th July 2018. That means that website is now accessible for Belarusians, though is still blocked.

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