Legalize Belarus released a collection of non-fungible tokens «Gods and Cannabis» on the TON blockchain
Each NFT contains the «Mother of God and Cannabis» and up to three additional Gods: Dazhboh, Piarun and Jaryla.

A total of 420 non-fungible tokens were issued, most of them were distributed and some offered for sale.
NFT technology has gained popularity in the world of art and entertainment, allowing creators to mark their works and providing buyers with a unique connection to their digitally acquired content that can be verified. However, NFTs have applications beyond the realm of art. For instance, Legalize Belarus is issuing digital certificates of participation in its educational events alongside traditional paper certificates. Using this technology allows for the authentication of documents without revealing the identities of participants.
In 2021, Legalize Belarus released the «Psychedelic Jesus» token, featuring mushrooms and plants on its nimbus, including Psilocybe semilanceata mushrooms, Lophophora williamsii cactus, and South American component of Ayahuasca Psychotria viridis. All of them belong to the psychedelic class.
Proceeds from sales will go to support the activities of Legalize Belarus.

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