Legalize Belarus сalls to stop the Drug War on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
June 26 is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking which was established in 1987 by the United Nations General Assembly.

Today Legalize Belarus calls to stop the Drug War. We don’t deny the fact that psychoactive substances can be harmful to humans, but the categorical attitude of the authorities to drug users only exacerbates the situation.
Most of the problems attributed to banned psychoactive substances is the result of placing them in a criminal environment. The Drug War has fueled violence, civil instability and public health crises. The current drug policy based on arrests and punishments is unfair.
There are many legal substances, such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, which also affect our psyche and can be harmful to our health. At the same time some illicit drugs in clinical settings can help treat diseases.
Many of us know people who are addicted to alcohol, but also many of us know that its moderate use doesn’t lead to any noticeable problems. Alcohol poisoning can cause death, but no one has died from an overdose of marijuana or LSD. However, millions of people have been imprisoned on drug-related charges, and some of them have been sentenced to death.
Legalize Belarus calls to stop criminalization of drug users and emphasizes the importance of providing objective information about psychoactive substances and harm reduction.
Support. Don’t punish.

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