20 September 2020

Happy International Magic Mushroom Day!

LSD has 4/19, and cannabis has 4/20. Now, there’s an autumnal celebration for psilocybin

15 September 2020

HydraStats: generalized data and charts about Hydra in Belarus

Hydra is a dark net platform that was launched in 2015. It is considered to be the largest drug trading platform in the world. Hydra's revenue for 2019 was around 50 million dollars. More than 2.5 million users are registered on the website.

9 September 2020

Students for Sensible Drug Policy issued a statement of solidarity with Belarus

The organisation issued a statement condemning political repressions and supporting the will of Belarusian people. Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) is the largest global youth-led network dedicated to ending the War on Drugs. SSDP mobilizes and empowers young people to participate in the political process, pushing for sensible policies to achieve a safer and more just future.

3 November 2019

Procession in memory of those killed by cannabis marched in Minsk

On 2 November in Minsk around 25 people joined the “Cannabis Dziady” procession. Dziady is an ancient Slavic feast commemorating the dead ancestors. Protesters held empty photo frames with black ribbons and layed a funeral wreath to those killed by cannabis at the United Nations Square in the capital of Belarus.

18 October 2019

Proposed legislation changes as for regulation of drugs in Belarus explained

In June 2019 the House of Representatives recognized excesses in the state drug policy. The lower limits of punishment for distribution of controlled substances have been reduced. However, the adopted amendments are clearly not enough to restore justice and implement a humane drug policy aimed at healthcare.

23 June 2019

Belarus Drug Policy Overview: Piotr Markielau for Speek Freely

According to the Democracy Index compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Belarus is ranked 137th of 167 countries and is considered an authoritarian state. Alaksandar Łukašenka has been the country’s president since 1994, making him the longest-ruling president in Europe.

30 April 2019

United Nations & world leaders condemned for failure on drug policy

328 NGOs call for global leadership to halt global public health emergency and to end egregious human rights violations against people who use drugs.

30 April 2019

Planting seeds of harm reduction in Belarus

How to reduce the harms of drugs? This question was used as the event title for a lecture series organized by Legalize Belarus, the only group in the country advocating for decriminalisation of drug use.

2 April 2019

Narcotisation and Authoritarianism: A Film About the Drug War in Belarus

The film tells a story about the anti-drug law enforcement practice, prison conditions in the penitentiary institutions of Belarus, and everyday life challenges that former prisoners and people who use drugs face. To convey to the viewer the origins of stereotypes, numerous clips from the anti-drug videos of the USSR, Russia, and Belarus are used in the film.

17 March 2019

How to Reduce Harm of Drugs Event in Mahiloŭ

Original lecture of Legalize Belarus on harm reduction by the "guy in orange jacket" was held on 17 March 2019 in Mahiloŭ.

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